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Guidehealth's phones will be off in observation of Thanksgiving from 11/27/2024 at 05:00 PM central through 12/02/2024 at 08:00 AM central.

As always when our call center is down, all calls will go to voicemail and will be returned upon re-open in the order in which they were received. All emergency medical matters are directed to our on-call RN line, including Behavioral Health.

Phones Off Notification

Guidehealth's phones will be off for a staff meeting from 11/22/2024 at 12:30 PM central through 11/22/2024 at 01:30 PM central.

As always when our call center is down, all calls will go to voicemail and will be returned upon re-open in the order in which they were received. All emergency medical matters are directed to our on-call RN line, including Behavioral Health.

Change Healthcare Outage

As of 3/8/2024, Guidehealth has established a lifeline connection with Availity for claims submission.

Providers can submit their claims through our existing payer IDs or choose to submit claims directly through Availity. If you are not registered with Availity, please create an account. Visit for information on how to register and set up 837 batch EDI claim submissions. These lifeline services are free for providers.

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